Jih-Yi's Daily Encounters

Friday, January 06, 2006

The good times^^

It has come to a point in winter vacation where one thinks when the school will starts... sigh...
Eddie and Charles starts their school next monday, which is Jan.9 and they can't stop talking about it (Of course not excitedly...:). My friend in Berkeley, Eric Huang, have came back form Taiwan already, he still have his own little jet lag, he always drove me around to eat around the bay area along with Ryan Yu, (Aka Kimarhi). I will talk more about them when I get back to school ^^. And finally my other best friend, Scott Yang, will come back on Jan.11, hopefully we'll have some fun before I leave Diamond Bar for School on Jan.15.

Ha, I named this title "good times", not for the reason of complaining the winter break is too short, I named this title because the good times always flies by, it past way too fast than I expected. Sum up the whole winter break to date, I think I went to Casino Morongo like 3 times, played Majong and Poker for at least 5 times each, and watch around 20 DVD quality movies, which are really good. Just yesterday, I watch 4 movies ( Bewitched, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Stealth, and Robots). Sooooooooooooooooo nice^^.

Me, Standing behind a Japanese Style just below the Japanese Garden.

Then of course, good time have to include family times, my parents, my nephew Justin, and I went to Hungtington Library yesterday, (It is free entry every Thurday of the Month), and we spent a whole day in that beautiful place. The open field, the conservatory, the rose garden, all are part of that library.

Justin, taking a picture with the Dog!!


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