Jih-Yi's Daily Encounters

Sunday, January 01, 2006

New year, New resolution, A New Direction!!

Before anyone anticipate it, 2006 have been rolling along like a energizer bunny. The countdown have been rather uneventful for me, My friends Charles, Eddie and I spent the final minutes in a Korean Tofu and BBQ restaurant eating because we are so hungry after all the "activites" (Aka, Texas Hold'em, and Majong) we been doing since 6:00 PM. And for the first time in my life, I went to bed again at around 6:00 AM, which i think it's the 3rd time in the past 4 days.

Talk about Majong, it is one of the funnest game that 4 people could play, it requires 4 people and ususally takes about 2 hours for 4 rounds of playing, and it could be longer since the dealer get to be dealer again if he/she kept on winning.
It is also consider one of the popular sports thoughout Asia, and especially in China; as many international tournament were held. It is also one of the healthest game invented, research showed that it could prevent Alzhimer's disease if it is played at a regular basis. Suffice to say, it is a very cool game^^

For the new year resolution, I have decided that I wanted to go to Spain after I graduate, during the Fall of 2006. I am looking forward to travel to Europe and have fun at the same time^^

Finally, I just wanted to say,

Happy New Year~~~


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