Jih-Yi's Daily Encounters

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Day after Christmas!!

After a long and fulfilling Christmas day, one could not think life can get better than this. (Excluding the fact that Lakers lost on Christmas day.....gosh.... they can't hit a shot in the final strech if their life depends on it...)

Hehe, anyway, it is always good to go to Best Buy with my parents during this occasions, because, 1. you don't have to pay for stuff you really wanted to buy, and 2. wth, it's the day after Christmas, everyone is on a buying mood and everything is on sale ^^

Also, I just got noticed that my mom is coming to LA, (Diamond Bar) in December 30 from Taiwan, hopefully she only got good things to say about me this time. (She always saying the same thing on the phone, just like any other parents would say when they talk to their children, but come on, I am 22 years old and I know how to take care of myself ... lol). Through all of the above, I really wanted to see her, because I missed her ^^

Anyway, I also love to play poker, Bodog.com Rocks!!!

Ah... got to run ...

Until next time^^


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